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Managing your email subscriptions has never been easier.

With Subzero, you can easily view what emails you are subscribed to, and unsubscribe from them with a single click. Don't let your inbox get cluttered with unwanted emails.

Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

Unsubscribing from unwanted emails is as easy as keeping what you want and unsubscribing from what you don't want.


Subscriptions you keep will remain active, and are accessible in your kept subscriptions list. You can decided to unsubscribe them at any time.


If you'd like to keep receiving emails from a list, but don't want to see them in your inbox, you can mute them. Muted emails are accessible in your muted subscriptions list.


You will stop receiving emails when you unsubscribe from a list. Subzero auto-magically unsubscribes users when there is no option to do it online. In cases where companies persist sending emails you can report them through Subzero.